Graduates continue with a foreign language exam. These are this year's essay topics

12.3.2025 13:05 , Aktualizované: 12.3.2025 13:31

Maturity - day two. On Wednesday (12 March), students continue their matriculation exams with a test and essay in their chosen foreign language.

Foto: TASR/Henrich Mišovič

The greatest interest was in English

On Wednesday, March 12 seniors will take an external test and essay paper in their chosen foreign language. English was the most popular language - more than 36 000 pupils out of more than 41 thousand matriculants chose English. English was followed by German, Russian, French, Spanish and Italian.

The Ministry of Education has published the topics of the written forms of the internal parts of the matriculation exam in foreign languages.

Students taking the exam in foreign languages at B1 and B2 level will write an essay on the topic Books and Literature:

Level B1: Your friend from the UK would like to know more about what books your peers are reading.

Write him/her a letter (160-180 words) mentioning the following points:

  • the type of literature your peers prefer,
  • two factors that influence young people's choice of literature,
  • the best book you have read so far and what made it interesting to you

Level B2: In your English lesson you were given the task of writing an article for the school magazine on the topic 'Reading books is becoming less important for young people'.

Mention the following points in the article (200-220 words):

  • The importance of reading books in your life,
  • the advantages and disadvantages of reading printed books,
  • the advantages of reading books in a foreign language.

Students taking the C1 foreign language exam write an essay on Consumption-oriented ways of life:

Level C1: You have been asked to write an essay in which you propose solutions to problems and which will serve as a contribution to an international journal. Your essay (260-320 words) should address the problem of consumerist lifestyles. Suggest what could be done about this problem, giving at least three suggestions.

The matriculation week will continue on Thursday with a written exam in mathematics, which will be taken by 5 000 pupils.

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