Šimečka before meeting with PM: Fico tries to blame the opposition for his incompetence

In response to an invitation from Robert Fico to a meeting on the so-called consolidation package, the chairman of Progressive Slovakia (PS), Michal Šimečka, sharply criticised the government's approach.

Foto: TASR/ AP

"Clearly, this is a transparent game of Robert Fico. The government did not want to consult with the opposition on the amendment to the criminal law, nor on the abolition of RTVS," he pointed out.

According to him, Fico ignored dialogue in critical situations

According to Šimečka, Fico ignored dialogue with the opposition even in critical situations, such as the assassination of the prime minister, and now he is trying to cover up his own failures with quarrels in the coalition.

"Suddenly Robert Fico comes with a proposal for a meeting - now that he is going to raise taxes and his whole plan is falling apart in coalition squabbles. His intention was clear - to dump responsibility on the opposition for not even knowing how to come to the meeting," Šimečka explains.

He also points out that the PS will not fall into this trap this time and will come to the meeting to tell Fico their opinion directly.

Šimečka will use the meeting to explain to the Prime Minister why the PS rejects the consolidation package, which he believes threatens especially the most vulnerable: "Fico wants to pull 2.7 billion euros out of taxpayers' wallets, without savings and growth measures," he said, stressing that the consolidation will affect every family.

"It will cost the average family 1,000 euros a year," warns Šimečka.

He will meet the prime minister without anger

Despite the personal attacks and his dismissal from the post of deputy speaker, Šimečka stressed that he will meet Fico without anger. "I don't feel any anger or resentment, I don't have a problem with meeting with Robert Fico," he said.

He adds, however, that the PS clearly rejects Fico's high prices and is against the VAT increase, which will affect everyone.

According to Šimečka, the space created by the meeting is a chance to draw public attention to the shortcomings of the government's proposal. "The whole of Slovakia needs to know that this government has increased salaries, handed out pensions and is going to raise taxes and fees on the people," Šimečka said.

In conclusion, he stresses that Progressive Slovakia will not assist Fico's package and refuses to participate in this "anti-social" solution. "If the four-time prime minister does not know how to consolidate even after 13 years of government, let him leave it to us," concludes Michal Šimečka.

You can also see the full PS statement here:

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