The threatening messages are not subsiding. This time the Presidential Palace or the National Council are to be targeted

9.9.2024 08:06 , Aktualizované: 9.9.2024 09:03

On Sunday evening, another threatening e-mail arrived, mentioning the Presidential Palace, the National Council of the Slovak Republic and the railway station.

Prezidentský palác
Foto: Facebook/Prezidentský palác

This was first reported by

The threatening e-mail says about the hijacking of three airplanes that "will target the Presidential Palace, the National Council of the Slovak Republic or the Trnava railway station".

The police and secret services have taken several security measures and are dealing with the case.

Last week, several primary schools, St Elizabeth's Cathedral and the airport in Nitra were paralysed due to threatening e-mails.

Threats were also expected on Monday

Police are working with foreign partners to investigate bomb threats against schools or courts. Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok stated this on STVR's discussion show 5 Minutes 12.

Slovakia is also working on the identification of the attacker with the involvement of foreign security services, the minister said.

If such an attack were to be repeated and the risk was low, the attacker's goal might not be fulfilled, according to him.

Šutaj Eštok was thus responding to a question about the media reports on the Czech journalists' findings. The latter are said to have communicated with an anonymous person who claims to be sending out e-mail threats in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

He had expected the threats on Monday as well.

Measure for schools

For bomb threats, schools will be given cameras. The Minister of the Interior wants to involve the Ministry of Labour in the project of a camera system for schools.

Opposition SaS MPs will table a motion to convene an extraordinary session of parliament where the interior minister should come to explain the issues of security in schools.

The Liberals also want to ask for a joint meeting of the parliamentary committee on defence and security and the committee to monitor the activities of the SIS.

See archived report from September 8, 2024 on how the threatening messages continue unabated even on Monday.

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