He is considering legal action. Government attacks on opposition are punishment for good work, Šimečka said

18.8.2024 15:43 , Aktualizované: 18.8.2024 21:11

PS chair Michal Šimečka says the government's attacks on the opposition are punishment for their good opposition work. He stressed that he has nothing to do with the Milan Šimečka Foundation and will consider legal action if the Prime Minister does not stop lying about the Foundation.

Šimečka stressed that he has never received anything from the foundation and has no influence on it. "Every sane person understands that when the Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra receives a subsidy, it does not mean money for Andrej Bagar's family. Robert Fico also knows this, but he is desperately trying to cover up the failures of Martina Šimkovičová - who is destroying Slovak culture, and Boris Susek - who pulled a legally convicted Smer accomplice out of jail for a lout," he said.

Legal action

The PS leader also announced legal action if the prime minister does not stop lying about his property links to the Milan Šimečka Foundation.

Šimečka also reacted to the Prime Minister's statements about the proposal to dismiss him. "If they want to recall me, they will recall me. If they want to take revenge, it's up to them. But not only will they deny all the normal rules of functioning of our parliamentary democracy, but they will show all the voters what they are really up to," Šimečka said.

Progressive Slovakia, he said, is ready and determined to continue its vigorous opposition work, as well as for further protests. In this context, he also defended those who took part in the recent protests.

He expects further attacks

He declares that they are ready for the dismissal of Justice Minister Boris Susek (Smer-SD) and Culture Minister Martina Šimkovičová (SNS nominee). He reminded, however, that the rules of procedure do not allow for his dismissal to be combined with the dismissal of Šimkovičová. Šimečka expects further attacks, but according to his own words, they will not intimidate him.

On Friday, the prime minister announced that he would propose to the ruling coalition to initiate Šimečka's dismissal from the post of deputy speaker of the National Assembly. He accuses him of calling anti-government protests and inciting the public. He also criticises him in connection with the use of subsidies from the Fund for the Promotion of Arts by the Milan Šimečka Foundation, which was pointed out by the head of the culture ministry. The leaders of the coalition SNS, Andrej Danko, and the coalition Voice-SD, Matúš Šutaj Eštok, have also drawn attention to the Foundation's use of state money. The SNS will also support the recall.

Watch a summary of the Progressive Slovakia press conference.

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