PHOTO/VIDEO: Over 18 thousand people filled the square. Opposition organized a protest, KDH did not join

13.8.2024 16:53 , Aktualizované: 13.8.2024 21:26

The Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) did not join the organisation of the protest on Tuesday (13 August) organised by the Progressive Slovakia (PS) and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) parties. The demonstration slightly disrupted traffic.

Šimečka's criticism of the government's (in)action

Michal Šimečka, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament and President of the PS, praised the high turnout at the protest for justice and culture and announced that he would increase the pressure on the coalition by dismissing Culture Minister Martina Šimkovičová and Justice Minister Boris Susek.

Šimečka criticized the government coalition for inaction and failure to improve the living conditions of citizens.

According to him, the government does not pay attention to improving education, healthcare, infrastructure or the protection of human rights. On the contrary, Šimečka claims that the government is focusing on its own benefits and dividing society.

The head of the progressives estimated that there were over 18 thousand people at the site.

Among the speakers was actress Kristína Tormová ↓:

The KDH expressed its conviction yesterday

The KDH said its members attended yesterday's event, which was organised by artists.

"We believe that protests organised by artists or people with no political background can put much stronger pressure on the ruling coalition," the movement said in an official statement.

At the same time, however, the KDH pointed out that it sees areas in the cultural sphere that need to be reformed.

Traffic restrictions and heat

The protest at the SNP Square in Bratislava restricted public and individual transport. The Bratislava municipal police drew attention to it.

"During the event, we are reinforcing the performance in the camera centre of the city police and also in the streets of the capital. The cameras serve the municipal police and the Police Department not only for the prevention of offences and crimes, but the recordings from them can also be used as evidence," the municipal police specified.

Traffic restrictions in Old Town

The Bratislava Regional Police also warned of the traffic restrictions due to the protest on social media. "These will concern individual as well as public transport, depending on the development of the traffic situation in relation to the course of the rally itself," she explained. They concerned the localities of Suché Mýto, Kamenné námestie and Námestie Slovenského národného povstania (Square of the Slovak National Uprising).

"In this context, drivers are urged to be more patient and cautious when driving through the above-mentioned locations. If necessary, traffic will be directed by traffic police officers," the police added.

See our report on the protest to save culture on 12 August:

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