The planned terrorist attacks in Vienna are also being closely monitored by the Slovak police. It is taking security measures

8.8.2024 10:00

Millions of fans of popular American artist Taylor Swift were shocked on Wednesday by reports that terrorist attacks may have taken place at her upcoming concerts in Vienna. The concerts have been cancelled, and the investigation into the threat continues. Slovak police are also responding to the situation.

Foto: Ministerstvo vnútra SR

Three cancelled concerts, shock and tens of thousands of disappointed people. This is how one could assess the situation after yesterday's announcement of a terrorist threat at the planned performances of the American singer Taylor Swift.

However, the unprecedented situation has affected Slovakia in other ways than through fans who were planning a trip to Vienna. The Slovak police also officially responded to the threat.

It announced on its social network that it is monitoring the events in the neighbouring country and is taking measures.

They do not want to specify

"In connection with the cancellation of the concerts of the American singer Taylor Swift in Vienna due to the threat of a terrorist attack, we have taken a number of precautionary measures, which for obvious reasons we will not specify," writes the profile of the Slovak Republic Police.

It also warns Slovak citizens that they have nothing to fear at home for the time being, as there is no imminent threat of a terrorist attack.

Watch the archive report on the phenomenon named Taylor Swift.

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