A police inspectorate has ruled out the involvement of police officers in the death of a Ukrainian homeless man. The suspects are members of the SBS
After investigating the evidence, the Office of Inspection Services confirmed that the officers were not involved in the death of the Ukrainian homeless man. The investigation file will now be referred to the Inspectorate for further investigation.

According to the authorities, the policemen were not involved in the killing
An investigator with the Office of Inspectional Services, which is looking into the death of a homeless man, has ruled out the involvement of police officers in a physical assault that may have caused the victim's death.
After a thorough review of all the evidence, the investigator concluded that the police officers did not play a role in the commission of the crime.
"The investigation file with the criminal proceedings of manslaughter, in which members of the SBS are suspects, will be forwarded by the Inspection Service to the investigator of the Regional Directorate of the Police for further investigation," the Inspection Service Office said.
However, in connection with the actions of the police officers, the investigator has initiated criminal proceedings on grounds of abuse of power of a public official. The policemen are suspected of violating laws and internal regulations.
The investigation into the case will continue.
Bratislavskí policajti a SBS-ka mali pre krádež na smrť dobiť muža bez domova. Reagujú neziskovky, policajná prezidentka aj inšpekcia

The Ukrainian citizen was found with injuries to his head in the early morning hours of Thursday (30 January) near a shopping centre in Bratislava and succumbed to his injuries the following day. Police have opened a criminal investigation into the case for the crime of manslaughter.
The Nivy shopping centre in Bratislava has denied the media claims of violence by the security services against a homeless man. The centre claimed that the man was detained twice in one day and each time he was handed over to the police "in full health". CCTV footage is said to prove this.
See the February 3, 2025 report on the investigation into the circumstances of the Ukrainian's death: