The student who assaulted the high school student filed a complaint against his detention. The Supreme Court will decide

23.1.2025 10:16 , Aktualizované: 23.1.2025 12:17

Student Samuel, accused in last week's tragedy at the Spišská Stará Ves gymnasium, has filed a complaint against his detention. The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic will have the last word. The spokeswoman for the Specialised Criminal Court, Katarína Kudjáková, said.

Last week, an attack occurred at the gymnasium in Spišská Stará Ves in which two women, aged 18 and 51, died. They were a student and the school's deputy headmistress. Another female pupil was injured.

The suspect in the crime, an 18-year-old student from Ľubica who attended the gymnasium, was charged by police with premeditated murder. The Specialised Criminal Court in Pezinok took the accused student into custody.

See the last archived report from January 19, 2025 on the case.

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