Blanár: Zelensky chose the rhetoric of cowboys, he may meet with Fico in Davos. He is afraid to go to Kiev, says Krúpa

14.1.2025 21:15

Is the venue a problem? Fico and Zelensky do not want to or cannot meet. Is their communication reminiscent of the Wild West, or is it just a kind of foreign politicking?

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Minister of Foreign Affairs Juraj Blanár (Smer-SD) and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Slovak Parliament Juraj Krúpa (SaS) commented on the tension between Slovakia and Ukraine after the reaction of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the open letter of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico.

Fico's logical non-visitation and the alternative for both

Minister Blanár said that the Slovak government had sent an open letter to President Zelensky inviting him to talks on topical issues.

"We expected a reaction, and it came. But I don't think it was adequate. This is how cowboys communicate," Blanár said.

He added that he had proposed to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sybih in a phone call today (14 January) an alternative meeting in Davos, where both Fico and Zelenskiy would attend the World Economic Forum. The conference will take place on 20-24 January.

"The fact that the prime minister will not go there (to Kiev) on Friday is quite logical, because the members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic were also supposed to go to Kiev, but they received information from the Ukrainian parliament that they cannot guarantee their security," Blanár noted.

Fico's foreign policy

In response to Blanár's statement, Krúpa mentioned the prime minister's statement that there is no war in Kiev: "Now they are afraid to go there."

Krúpa also pointed to Fico's threats to stop humanitarian aid to Ukraine or to boycott its accession to the EU, which, in his opinion, the prime minister is conducting foreign policy without consulting the relevant authorities.

"I would like to ask the minister present here what is going on in the Government Office at all, because he does not formulate foreign policy, Fico makes it himself from his own office," the MEP concluded.

You can watch the whole programme here:

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