Terrorist threat: STU evacuated, Comenius University cancels classes. Alert also reported in Trnava

28.11.2024 10:45 , Aktualizované: 28.11.2024 13:44

At the Slovak Technical University (STU), teaching has been interrupted. The management of one of the faculties ordered an evacuation. The reason is supposed to be a terrorist threat. The University of Trnava is also on alert, the Comenius University cancelled classes on Thursday.

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STU received a threatening email

The interez.sk portal reported on Thursday morning that a terrorist threat had been reported at several faculties of STU. The media information has already been confirmed by STU media communication manager Juraj Rybanský.

"An e-mail with a threat of an armed attack or detonation of explosives arrived at the workplace of the Rector's Office of STU before six o'clock this morning. STU is following the recommendations of the police," Rybanský said.

"Although the threat was vague, the rector has granted a precautionary leave of absence and is asking all students and staff to leave the faculties' premises and go home. There will be no more classes on Thursday," the university said on its social network. The instruction is in effect from 12:00 pm till the end of the working day.

bomba email STU Foto: ta3 Email, ktorý dostali študenti STU

According to information ta3 at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, the students were sent home. "It came to us that there might be a bomb somewhere in the whole STU. I came to the school, but they sent me away straight away," a student told .

The evacuation orders reportedly also apply to the Faculty of Civil Engineering. At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, classes are reportedly continuing.

"For us, nothing has changed, classes are going on. We don't have any announcement anywhere. The Faculty of Science of the Charles University, which is right next to us, is evacuated, everyone is standing outside," a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of STU told ta3. Later, upon entering the building, students were to start checking their backpacks.

Alarm also in Trnava

Startitup reports on the social network Instagram that a bomb threat was also reported at the University of Trnava. ta3 found that the threat was also reported in Trnava dormitories.

WhatsApp Image 2024-11-28 at 13.26.40.jpeg Foto: ta3 Trnavský internát

Comenius University has cancelled classes

The Comenius University also received a threatening email.

The oldest university in Slovakia cancelled classes on Thursday and students were given a rector's leave. The rector ordered an urgent evacuation of all university buildings.

bomba UK email Foto: ta3 Tento email dostali zamestnanci UK v Bratislave
bomba UK email Foto: ta3 Tento email dostali študenti UK v Bratislave

"All students were immediately evacuated and sent home. They were told not to come back. They also sent us an e-mail," a student at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Bratislava told ta3.

bomba UK mail Foto: ta3 Tento email dostali študenti Prírodovedeckej fakulty UK v Bratislave

See the report on what such an alarm does to the psyche of children.

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