U. S. Steel should remain U.S. owned, says Harris. United States opposes sale to Japanese

3.9.2024 11:17

U.S. Steel's steel mills are an American company and it is important that they remain domestically owned, U.S. Vice President and Democratic candidate for the November presidential election Kamala Harris said on Monday (2 September).

Odborári v košickom U. S. Steel vyhlásili štrajkovú pohotovosť, dôvodom je kolektívna zmluva
Foto: TASR/František Iván

U. S. Steel remains American owned

Harris spoke at a campaign rally in Pittsburgh alongside incumbent President Joe Biden. "U. S. Steel is a historic American company, and it is vital for our nation to retain strong American steel companies," the vice president said. "U. S. Steel should remain American-owned and operated by Americans," she added.

Nippon Steel, Japan's largest steel company, offered $14.9 billion (13.47 billion euros) for U.S. Steel last December. But that sparked a backlash in the U.S., and the U.S. Justice Department began reviewing the contract. Nippon Steel, which had originally planned to complete the deal in September, subsequently pushed back the deadline to the end of this year.

The takeover of the US firm by the Japanese has been criticised in the US by unions and several influential politicians, including incumbent President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump, who is seeking re-election.

Watch the report from 5 August 2024 about the reconstruction of the Košice Steel Arena.

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